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Occupation: Global VIP Relations  



As a creative, I’m sure a part of your role is to collaborate with others, how has the pandemic affected that?

Completely. Every day I'm communicating with others from the team in the office, to friends and colleagues in the industry - everyone is built around communication and relationships, no matter what your occupation. It's definitely changed my structured 'normal' day. Having said that, I've found this whole experience to be rather grounding, we've been able to reflect and focus on how we can all help - little or large. 


In what was our 'normal life' people would often open an email with, 'hope you're well?' which is, in my opinion, bizarrely disconnecting. Throughout this turbulent time I've noticed that everyone is a bit more 'human' in their communication with others, genuinely asking, 'are you okay? I'm thinking of you'. It has been important during this time that we are all sensitive to the work we do, what we focus on and how appropriate our ideas are.



Are you still able to work from home?

Yes - I'm lucky enough that I can work remotely. We are all lucky that we in a generation where are able to work, stay entertained and connected with friends/family using technology during this time.



A lot of creatives are finding this period hard as they are lacking motivation and routine, what routine do you have to make sure you stay motivated?

I'm lucky that I've always had the motivation - even if it's motivation to get up and have a bagel... once I have decided I want to do it, that's it. Jokes aside, I think it's important to keep your food structure as the framework for your day. Without sounding naive to the severity of everything going on, I make sure to keep the positives at the forefront of my mind. I watch read/watch the news for an hour, then stop. Personally, I am using this time to better myself. I'm working out every day, painting, cooking, reading...knitting (don't judge). Doing all these things has kept my sanity, I'm not doing it to prove anything. I was a painter growing up and I've always wanted to be fortunate enough to be able to paint all day every day. This is that time, this is what I've wanted - albeit not under this circumstance.



What does being motivated mean to you during these times?

I think the word 'motivation' comes with a pressured meaning of needing to achieve. This is a tough time for all of us, physically, financially and mentally. Take time to adjust, be gentle on yourself. Initially, I'd recommend using this time strip back, to re-evaluate what is important to you. Motivate yourself to change your mindset and thoughts first, naturally, the actions will follow. 


There's a pressure to show 'hustle' and 'progress' for social clout, you don't need to post it all on Instagram, do it for yourself. I'd also recommend keeping a diary, one day this whole experience will be a dot in our past, but it will impact our lives forever - write to remember. 



A lot of creatives are saying this is the time to start something new, learn a new language. But do you think this is also a time to relax and take some time for yourself?

I truly believe it depends on each individual and the damage that the pandemic has had on them. For instance, if you've lost your job or you're living alone, now might not be the right to pressure yourself into learning French, the guitar or starting that Etsy business page, just do what feels right. Personally, I am using this time to learn new things because I find comfort in exploring and gaining new skills but I really appreciate that this doesn't work for everyone. 



What tips can you give people who are struggling with keeping motivated?

Just exist. That's all you need to do. From there, find one thing; sort your wardrobe, have a cooked breakfast every morning, do an illustration. Your motivation could be to finally watch The Wire or Brooklyn Nine-Nine (guilty). This is likely to be the only time in our lives when we aren't dictated to by social and structural 'norms'. Do you find it best working at 3 am? Go on then. Do you want to make banana bread like the rest of the internet? Do it. Is your biggest achievement today having a shower? That's ok. Don't judge yourself, find little achievements and be proud. Everything will grow from there.


I would recommend talking to your friends and family about things that aren't pandemic-related. Find new conversations, open up and get inspiration from the people around you. Check-in on your loved ones, chances are they need it. 



What do you plan to do after lockdown?


Honestly, I'm going to love more, care more and complain less. Unfortunately, bad things will occasionally happen but I will make sure to stay soft and open. We are so lucky to have sanitary products, outdoor space, basic food, hygiene, education or even, dare I say it...public transport, let's not take this for granted. 


I will also DANCE with my friends until 6 am and enjoy every second. 



One quote to help you creatives during these times?


"Keep your eyes open, don't fret and remember you can always have a sense of humour. 

Also - follow memes."


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