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Occupation: DJ & Fashion Influencer


As a creative, I’m sure a part of your role is to collaborate with others, how has the pandemic affected that?


My life has always been centered to be with other people, when I DJ, the connection between people is so important for example. So the pandemic completely changed everything but in everything, we need to find the positive side, so I must say that we now have more time to reflect, think more about ourselves and about our relationships with others....I’m still in contact with everybody such as my family, friends and agencies. What I’ve noticed is that everyone became more vulnerable in a certain sense and more open to express their feelings. Me as well, so this is such a great thing!



Are you still able to work from home?


Unfortunately not fully. My work as a DJ has stopped for the moment but I will do some live performances soon (but of course it’s not the same). Instead for the fashion side, I’m trying to reinvent myself as a stylist; organising fashion shoots from home and I’m doing a lot of other creative stuff related to that. Everything is changing and we have to adapt, if we stay stuck and hoping for a change, nothing is gonna happen.



A lot of creatives are finding this period hard as they are lacking motivation and routine, what routine do you have to make sure you stay motivated?


So, in my “normal life,” I always go to bed very late since I find the night very inspiring. Now, I always do something creative such as working on some projects, for example, the other night I shot a still life with my camera. I also watch some documentary about cosmo, fashion, photography and nature, or I listen to music. I always do a lot of mindfulness meditation. Meditation is a big part of my quarantine, it helps me to relax and be more aware of myself and the time we are living which will pass, as everything. During the day I cook a lot, I like cooking but in my “normal life” I don’t have enough time to make some interesting recipes. I always go with simple stuff cause it’s fast. Then as I said I work on my projects about fashion and I train myself, I do yoga very often. Sometimes I paint and I read, (now I’m reading “the book of taboo against knowing who you are” by Alan Watts a spiritual guru). Then of course I  search and listen to new music, I’m doing a lot of new playlists also on my Spotify (Lolla Fedolfi). I always try to do something new and different in a way because I think that routine recalls monotony and the latter recalls boredom, so it’s very important you stimulate yourself, think outside the box and why not? Do something you never got the chance to do in your “normal life”.


What does being motivated mean to you during these times?


For me it means to not lose yourself, to not turn your brain off “cause you are at home and there is nothing to do”. No, this is the right time instead, to explore yourself, change some aspect of your life that aren’t good for you. It’s the time where we can redefine the meaning of relationships, what it means to miss a person, to touch a person, to be in contact with nature and respect it, to appreciate everything that has been given to us, to look in a more conscious and aware perspective. I’m positive that bad times will always wake you up to things that you weren’t paying attention to. 


A lot of creatives are saying this is the time to start something new, learn a new language. But do you think this is also a time to relax and take some time for yourself?


HIS IS THE TIME. The time to do whatever you want, without any pressure, I think it’s important to find the right balance, as in everything in our life, we need to focus on how we feel and act as a consequence. If you feel you want to do something, do it, if you don’t want to, don’t do it. But don’t fool yourself and be honest with yourself always. I totally agree with the fact that now we have the chance to learn so many things, if this would happen years ago, without the internet, it would have been a bit different I guess. But now, it’s so easy to look for new things as there are endless online courses, endless news, endless documentaries and on top of all, we can listen to any type of music we want, when we want, which as we all know (or maybe not) it helps a lot for the company. It affects our moods and allows us to travel with our minds as well. This is the time to listen to our hearts, it might sound banal but it’s not. How often does this really happen? Life, no limit, don’t think this is crazy, impossible or hard to all starts in your mind and the limits are there. Starting and learning something new, to me doesn’t mean you can’t relax or take some time for myself.


What tips can you give people who are struggling with keeping motivated?


I know it might sound like it’s a hard time. It might be in some sense, yeah. But it’s important to see the glass half full, don’t be stuck on what you don’t like, what’s not working or what’s bad. Remember that life is just a matter of perspectives, as you see things, as you perceive things. When bad things happen, you have two choices: react and go on or just stay there and do nothing. If so, you will always be stuck there, you won’t have the possibility to grow. Because life is an experience, everything that happens to us is a lesson, even bad things, take that as an experience that makes you stronger, you always learn, it’s always a lesson and moreover without bad things, we wouldn’t be able to recognise good things and appreciate even more. I’m sure that this period as strange it could be, will make us understand the real quality of life and appreciate even the little things. During this period we will have our moods changing a lot, you are not going crazy, it’s normal, it’s also normal to be sad sometime, but it’s important to accept it, without judging. Express your feeling, don’t suffocate them, be an observer and let go. In a society based on productivity and consumerism, everybody is in a rush, we might lose sense of who we really are, now that we have to deal with ourselves. We are starting a process of purification, where we explore ourself and as we go deeper and deeper. It’s also normal to feel down sometime, it’s just important to be aware of that and accept it. Previously I mentioned what I do to stimulate myself and explore myself, but what I do, it might not fit you, so it’s important that you take inspirations from others for sure, but also that you find your own voice to fulfil yourself.


What do you plan to do after lockdown?


After the lockdown I want to see and hug all my friends, I miss the long talks in front of a cafe and I wanna listen to music and dance with them. I also can’t wait to play again in some clubs but I guess that for that I will have to be a bit more patient.


One quote to help you creatives during these times?


"The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance" - Alan Watts



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