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Occupation: PR Manager 



As a creative, I’m sure a part of your role is to collaborate with others, how has the pandemic affected that?


I've had to put a lot of my campaigns at work on hold and upcoming events I was going to host. Therefore I can't collaborate with them on the same scale. 



Are you still able to work from home?


Yes, I'm very lucky that my job can be done at home.


A lot of creatives are finding this period hard as they are lacking motivation and routine, what routine do you have to make sure you stay motivated?


To be honest, I've lacked a routine but I don't see it as a bad thing as long as I get things done at my pace. As long as I get up before 12, work out at least once a day. That keeps me motivated.


What does being motivated mean to you during these times?


It means just being able to achieve what I can, even if it's the little things like having a shower today. 



A lot of creatives are saying this is the time to start something new, learn a new language. But do you think this is also a time to relax and take some time for yourself?


I think this is a great time to have the right balance, relaxing might motivate you to do something new. We are going through a global pandemic so whatever way creatives see fit to spend their spare time is very personal.


What tips can you give people who are struggling with keeping motivated?


I think write things down, do a week-long to-do list and focus on ticking at least one thing off. Seeing things done keeps me motivated. 



What do you plan to do after lockdown?


Go on holiday! Wear pretty clothes again! Spend time with my best friends! 



One quote to help you creatives during these times?


"This is only temporary, this is God's plan!"


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