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Occupation: Fashion Lecturer, Researcher and Strategist.


As a creative, I’m sure a part of your role is to collaborate with others, how has the pandemic affected that?


To be fair, I wouldn’t say that this has affected me in a negative way, I think it's actually helped because it actually pushed me more to collaborate and reach out to people online. Especially as I've just recently launched my YouTube channel I think for me is actually helped and I think that we should kind of see the positive side of this whole situation. A lot of people have seen this from a negative aspect but for me, I've chosen to take the more positive route. I just thought; okay with the tools and resources that we have around and the technology, why not use it to our advantage? Of course it's not always going to be easy because nothing beats face-to-face, but in this current circumstance, you can be collaborating with people, meeting with people online and running course online. It's gonna work.



Are you still able to work from home?


 I'm still able to work from home, however, it is difficult with the kids because you have to spend so much time, your eyes are constantly on them. I mean I have a four-year-old and a nine-month-old, so they are very active, doing different things and they both require different needs, so it's important for me to ensure that I can keep my eye on them. So, yes that's kind of it and then of course teaching; I need to find time where I can do my online classes. I've got marking to do so I find myself working when my children are sleeping at night time and also working on the weekends which is very difficult because you just want time to do yourself but I am getting the hang on it, its week 6 in quarantine.



A lot of creatives are finding this period hard as they are lacking motivation and routine, what routine do you have to make sure you stay motivated?


I think what’s kept me motivated is that I've kept the same routine. So, I wake up at the same time every single day and I ensure when I get up, I bath, I have breakfast, I take my vitamins. I do everything that I need to do and for me as well, it is listening to sermons, listening to podcasts, ensuring that I am still speaking to people; my accountability partner, my husband, those kinds of things. It's very important that you speak to people, engage with people continuously! If you just kind of wake up and then just do whatever, it can be tempted to have a nap. I'm not saying not to do it, but just to sometimes if you can do it. As a mum, if I can have a nap during the day I probably would do it, but I can't because of the kids! However, saying that it is important you can still have the same routine because this isn't forever and this is only temp. We are all going to go back to our normal lives soon, we are all going to go back to work sooner or later and it is going to be very difficult if you've not been able to maintain some form of normality essentially.



What does being motivated mean to you during these times?


I guess what’s keeping me motivated during this time; it's all about discipline. It’s very important I can’t slack, I can’t let myself go because that affects my work and then my children. Especially my four-year-old, because she will pick up from it, if I’m slacking, she won’t want to do her work which is very important she does. She's in reception going into year one (she was unable to actually even complete the year) so it's very important that I continue to be role model for her as well.



A lot of creatives are saying this is the time to start something new, learn a new language. But do you think this is also a time to relax and take some time for yourself?


I think it’s a blend of both, I think it's important that you learn to have your own space but also definitely up-skill. I don't think anyone should just sit at home and not do anything but I think it's important to not overstretch yourself and I think; do what is right for you, don’t do things just because everyone else is doing it. Don’t go and take random courses in things that you have no interest in. If you want to do a language, do a language! I would love to learn French but I'm not going to learn French, It is not a priority for me right now but maybe like excel, I need to be better at excel for my job. That is something I would brush up my skills on.

And cooking, I love cooking, so for me, it's all about learning new ingredients. So, don’t look at what everyone else is doing some people are looking to do art and languages and stuff, do things that will contribute to your professional development and also maybe hobbies, for instance, just don’t follow anyone.


What tips can you give people who are struggling with keeping motivated?


I guess my tips would really find an accountability partner, try to find like a mentor or a guide, someone that you can speak to. Seek God in this time, pray more that's the most important thing. It is literally about sitting with God, praying more. Without God, we are nothing, we have nothing and you will just be lead to confusion, fear, you would just be so to demotivated and I just think those things are very important. Just keep a routine and also to keep track of what it is that you do you, keep a track of what you are doing today like ‘you completed this, you accomplish this every week’ just so you know. 



One quote to help you creatives during these times?


Your limitation—it's only your imagination.


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