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Occupation: Makeup effects artist 



As a creative, I’m sure a part of your role is to collaborate with others, how has the pandemic affected that?


All my work has been cancelled or postponed indefinitely, which is, as you can imagine, frustrating and deflating. I’m not sure when I’ll next be able to work. 



Are you still able to work from home?


My work is all based on me touching people’s faces and bodies with my hands - so no, not at all. I have considered the option of doing commissioned work like paintings and drawings, but it’s not really my job and I wouldn’t expect people to be spending on non-essentials like that during a time like this. I’ve been asked if I would go down the beauty influencer route on Instagram and Youtube, but I don’t really feel it’s for me. I love being on set and creating magic to be viewed on the big screen. I chose this career because I like painting other people more than I like painting myself! And that’s perfectly okay. I don’t need to force myself into a field that isn’t mine. I have many influencer friends who work very hard to do what they do, and I simply don’t have a passion for it the way they do.  I also don’t have a huge following so I doubt I would gain anything other than anxiety and pressure to post and get likes and followers - that isn’t why I do what I do, as many other freelancers I’m sure would agree. 



A lot of creatives are finding this period hard as they are lacking motivation and routine, what routine do you have to make sure you stay motivated?


I’ve found it difficult to have a routine but one constant has been working out! I’ve been on a health journey for the last few months, and exercise is one thing that’s still in my control during lockdown. I’ve been trying to cook and read as much as I can without forcing myself into anything; if I want to just sit on the sofa and binge-watch a TV show, then I do. I also started journaling a month ago and have been keeping that up. 



What does being motivated mean to you during these times?


I think having a routine, even if it’s a loose one, is key. Making sure I don’t let myself get to a dark place and spend the whole day in bed, and not allow myself to let the negative thoughts and feelings manifest. I keep reminding myself that I am one of the lucky individuals that get to be bored at home. I’m a freelancer, but I live at home so I don’t have to worry about paying for rent or food. I’m healthy, my family is healthy, and they’re able to work from home. So even though I’ve lost my work and income, I’m 100% one of the lucky ones. That keeps me motivated, keeps me as positive as I can be during a pandemic. 



A lot of creatives are saying this is the time to start something new, learn a new language. But do you think this is also a time to relax and take some time for yourself?


I think it’s a lot of unnecessary pressure. We live in a time where everyone feels like they need to be working and grinding 24/7 or they aren’t going to be someone. We all have to work towards our goals, they won’t just be handed to us in our laps, but even in normal life, that isn’t healthy. Being productive isn’t about doing everything at once, it’s about efficiency. We all need balance, and the most successful people have the right balance between work, play, and rest. If you feel like you want to learn something new or try something during all this time we have off, then you’re perfectly entitled to!, but no one should be allowed to make you feel guilty for doing nothing during all of this. This isn’t a holiday, this isn’t you taking a few days off work - this is a pandemic. It’s okay to relax, it’s okay to do nothing, it’s okay to not be okay. 



What tips can you give people who are struggling with keeping motivated?


Remember that this isn’t permanent. Try to find some routine, even if it’s just one constant - for me it’s working out and journaling. It could be as simple as making breakfast every day, or doing your skincare routine, or showering by midday. Going for a 10-minute walk. Wearing clothes other than pyjamas. Just one constant! It doesn’t need to be something drastic or something unfamiliar to you. 



What do you plan to do after lockdown?


See my friends! See my family! Go to all my favourite restaurants, book a holiday, get dressed up, face beat, hair did, just to go to Costa. Book as much work as possible! Play with my nieces and nephews. Hug everyone I know. 



One quote to help you creatives during these times?


"Creativity is not a competition. Life is tough, but so are you!"



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